Friday, May 17, 2013

Five Minute Friday: Song

Today's prompt word is:  SONG...


How amazing is it that Lisa-Jo seems to know exactly what word to pick to for the week that works so well with what I am feeling?! Amazing huh!?!

I relate to music even more then I do to writing (journaling)! I love the way a song can speak to my heart. How it can take all those feelings from inside my soul and pull them out and lay them raw and real on the table in front of me. The way that just a few lyrics can bring me to my knees or make me smile at the memories that they bring never cease to amaze me. If you were to scroll through my playlists and pick songs at random I would be able to tell you who, what, when, and/or where that reminds me of. I guess you can say that relate music to almost everything in my life.

For the last couple of weeks one song in particular has been haunting me. As we are just a day away from the one year anniversary of my grandma Betty's death it seems like every time I hear these words a knife stabs me in the heart! 

 Cause you went away,
How dare you?
I miss you
They say I’ll be OK
But I’m not going to ever get over you

 Once again they speak the words that my heart is screaming. Once again I am pulled back to the horrible day when I received the call that told me she was gone. And every single time I am forced to face the reality that the pain will never really go away! 



 ****Every Friday I link up with Lisa-Jo Baker for Five Minute Friday. We write unedited for five minutes straight on a specific topic. Come join us!


  1. I love that about music, too...I couldn't help but post a video, too...something about seeing a song.

  2. It's amazing how many FMF posts on "Song" I've read that relate back to a death. Music really is just so powerful!!!

  3. Music is indeed powerful as Mary B, above, has said and you've shown. I don't think the pain goes away either - though it does change ... like music - louder and softer now and then. I miss my grandmother ... she passed away in 1977. But she has a place in my heart always. And of that, I am quite relieved and happy about.

    Take care,

