Wednesday, January 12, 2011

So excited

Woo hoo! I am so excited that this is working! My laptop is currently in California somewhere getting repaired so I haven't been able to access the Internet unless it is from my Ipod. I was so surprised that it allowed me to sign on!! Yay I can write now!

I have SO much going through my head and I want to just let me fingers type like crazy but I am afraid it would come out nothing but jumbled nonsense. I do have a couple of posts that are brewing on paper and I can't wait to share. So much has been happening lately, so many emotions that we all have been going through. Oh I have so much to share!! I promise a detailed post tomorrow!!!

I want to thank my best friend (and only follower right now lmbo) for all the hard work she has put into the page to make it as beautiful as it is! I love it and I love you Lynds! <3

Anyways, bear with me while I get this blog up and rolling! Soon, very soon! :)

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