Friday, May 31, 2013

Five Minute Friday: Imagine

I am a little late with this today. (Craziness of my life took over) But as I lay here tonight I feel the urge to write so let's see if we can get it in before Friday is officially over.

This weeks prompt word is: Imagine


The first thing that pops into my head is not what I can imagine but what I can't. 

I can't even begin to imagine how the people of Oklahoma feel right now. I can't imagine the fear or the sadness that must be overwhelming them as these tornados rip through their homes or the homes of loved ones. 

I can't imagine how if feels to be told that your mother or father, daughter or grandmother didn't make it through the storm. Or that young precious school children won't be going home to their parents because the tornado tore their school apart and they didn't make it. 

The hurt. The loss. The fear. The pure devastation that these people are facing is far beyond anything I can imagine. 

While I pray fiercely for those that are affected, not just in Oklahoma but all over, by these terrible storms, I also send up my thanks! I thank God for keeping my Okie family safe and for keeping his hands upon us here in our little part of Texas! For those that have lost their lives, God be with them! And for those who lost someone, may peace be with you. 

Finally, for those who are reading this please join me in praying for our fellow Americans who are facing or have faced the unimaginable. 


Linking up with Lisa-Jo and the wonderful ladies for Five Minute Friday. Come join us! 

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

I Am Still Here!!!

I figured that since I have been MIA for a little while I should pop on over and let y'all know that I am still here.. Still alive!

So much has happened in the last two weeks and my head is still spinning from it all. Once I get some quiet time I will fill you in on all the awesome details but for now let me just give you a run down. 

My husband was blessed enough to get his old job back and we made the decision to move back to Texas, we found a house (via an amazing friend who was able to do our leg work) that allows the kids to stay in the districts they were in before we left, my oldest graduated 8th grade, we packed up the UHaul that day, my BFF flew in from TX to ride back with me, we said some hard goodbyes, we had a VERY long drive but finally got here, hubby started work and loves it, kids are doing well and are excited to be back, and finally, we are trying to get unpacked, settled, and into a routine! Slowly but surely!! 


I told you it has been insanely busy but I promise to elaborate on all of it as soon a I can! Until then just know we are all here, happy, and healthy and we love you all bunches! 


Friday, May 17, 2013

Five Minute Friday: Song

Today's prompt word is:  SONG...


How amazing is it that Lisa-Jo seems to know exactly what word to pick to for the week that works so well with what I am feeling?! Amazing huh!?!

I relate to music even more then I do to writing (journaling)! I love the way a song can speak to my heart. How it can take all those feelings from inside my soul and pull them out and lay them raw and real on the table in front of me. The way that just a few lyrics can bring me to my knees or make me smile at the memories that they bring never cease to amaze me. If you were to scroll through my playlists and pick songs at random I would be able to tell you who, what, when, and/or where that reminds me of. I guess you can say that relate music to almost everything in my life.

For the last couple of weeks one song in particular has been haunting me. As we are just a day away from the one year anniversary of my grandma Betty's death it seems like every time I hear these words a knife stabs me in the heart! 

 Cause you went away,
How dare you?
I miss you
They say I’ll be OK
But I’m not going to ever get over you

 Once again they speak the words that my heart is screaming. Once again I am pulled back to the horrible day when I received the call that told me she was gone. And every single time I am forced to face the reality that the pain will never really go away! 



 ****Every Friday I link up with Lisa-Jo Baker for Five Minute Friday. We write unedited for five minutes straight on a specific topic. Come join us!

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

What A Day!!!


 I did not think this day was ever going to come! It has been a work in progress and there have been many many many times that I didn't think I would make it through but here I am....alive and well and SUCCESSFUL! 

Yep I did it! I actually pulled it off and passed my Anatomy and Physiology class (Bio202) with a 73%!! Normally that grade would not be something I would be celebrating but today I am thankful for it! This has been THE HARDEST class I have even taken. I have worked very hard for that grade, studying for hours with an amazing group of girls, and I can honestly say that I gave it my all. I am proud of my C!

This has opened my eyes to the reality that lies before me. I have always known that the career path that I have chosen to take was not going to be easy but I have never doubted whether or not I could do it. Until recently! A close friend of mine who has worked her butt off for awhile now failed her 4th block in the nursing program. This is the first thing that had me stepping back and saying whoa! I have seen how hard she worked, what she has sacrificed, and heard how hard it is and the fact that she fell a little short scares the crap out of me. Then you add this class and what a struggle it was really has me wondering if I can do it. 

I am not the type to give up and that is NOT the direction I am leaning toward but all of this makes me think and as we all know that can be a dangerous thing. :-) All I know right now is I passed and i have to focus on that because that's all that matters. I also know that with out the advice from my friend and the 3 amazing girls that studied with me all semester I would not be as happy as I am right now! So thank you Jodi for being my go to person for advice and for helping me calm down during my many freak out moments. Many thanks to Crystal, Taylor, and Emily for helping me laugh through this semester and finding funny ways to memorize stuff. You crazy girls actually made studying fun and memorable and it was a pleasure to get to know each of you.

I also need to say thank you to my husband for putting up with me and my stressed out-moody-irritable-jerky-up-and-down attitude this semester. You have really stepped up and helped me get through this with minimal damages and I really can't tell you how much that means to me. I know I do a lousy job of showing it sometimes,especially when I am stressed out, but I am thankful for you and I love you very much! Another BIG thank you to my mother in law for watching my kids for me, when Bub couldn't, while I was at school. I know they are a handful and I know that even though you say you don't mind they still drive you nuts!!! 

Lastly, I have to thank my grandma Betty for being the driving force and at times the single reason why I haven't already thrown my hands up and said I am done! There have been a countless number of times that the thought has crossed my mind but I know you would be disappointed in me and the thought of that is something I can not bear. 

Now, with all that being said, I guess the only thing left to say is.......

HELLO SUMMER 2013!!!!!

Well for me anyways! HAHA the kids still have until next Wednesday! ;-)

Friday, May 10, 2013

Five Minute Friday- Comfort

Today's word is: Comfort


When I think of comfort I think of home. I think of when I was little, waking up to the sound of pots and pans banging around (my Nana didn't like us sleeping in and made sure we knew it was time to get up) and the smell of breakfast cooking.  Or lazy afternoons fishing on the canal bank with my grandparents.

I think of kissing owies and hurts for my little ones or having long conversations about whatever is on the minds of my older ones. I think of bedtime kisses, random hugs, and funny jokes shared. I enjoy these SO much and it brings me more comfort then it does them, I am sure.

I think of my husband wrapping his arms around me and allowing me to snuggle close and forget about the world when I am having a bad day. I breathe in deep the smell of his cologne and I feel secure. For just that moment I forget about whatever it is that is stressing me out.

The word comfort also makes me think about how hard it is to offer comfort to someone sometimes. Especially when you are the one responsible for their discomfort. This makes me feel sad and helpless. It's times like these when you don't know what to say or do and are so confused yourself  that you just want so badly to apologize, give them a big hug, and make it all go away.

Lastly, when I think of comfort I think of God. I think of the many ways that He brings me comfort everyday. I am human and I make many mistakes on a daily basis. I trip and fall so much I lose count. I am constantly losing patience and honestly sometime my faith. I question Him continuously of the how, who, when, and where's. But I find comfort in knowing that no matter how far I stray, how much I push away, how deep I wander or how much I doubt He will always be there leading me in the right direction. He is gracious and forgiving even when I don't deserve it....

That, my friends, is the ultimate comfort!


 ****Every Friday I link up with Lisa-Jo Baker for Five Minute Friday. We write unedited for five minutes straight on a specific topic. Come join us!

Sunday, May 5, 2013

A Tough Job

Being a parent is hard work!! Seriously, it's the toughest job anyone will ever have! All these little lives your responsible for causes a whole bunch of stress.

I guess the toughest part, for me anyways, is knowing whether or not your doing it right.

I think I am a pretty good mom. I care for my kids. I show them love and compassion and try to do everything I can to ensure that they are happy, healthy, and safe. Overall they are pretty good kids.

But what about the other stuff? You know what I am talking about! The BIG stuff. The life changing decisions that lie upon your shoulders. What happens when you get it wrong? Basically, how the heck are we supposed to know that the choices that we are making, or have made in the past, are not totally messing our kids up?! How are we supposed to know whether or not these huge decisions we are making are not going to have a negative impact on our kids?!?!

SEE what I mean! Parenting is hard!!!

I know this isn't a normal Sunday Update but its what is on my mind tonight so it's what you get.

Friday, May 3, 2013

Five Minute Friday: Brave


Brave. A small word with such a big impact. What does it mean to me?

The first thing that pops into my head when I hear the word brave is our military. I think of all the men and women who put their lives on the line on a daily basis for our freedom. I can't imagine the things they go through and see everyday. Being hundreds of miles away from their family at months at a time. Missing holidays and birthdays all for a society that is sometimes too selfish to realize what is really at risk. That's brave.

The second thing I think of is the family of those soldiers. They are pretty brave too. The wives that watch their husbands pack everything they can into a duffle bag and step onto a bus with no promise they they will return. The mother that watches her only child hug his father, who is feeling an overpowering mixture of pride and fear, and the turn to board the same bus knowing that there is no way she can keep him safe.

I know many people, both family and friends, who are/have been in various branches of the military. I have seen first hand how this affects their lives and how hard it is. I was there when a sweet little boy was born and his daddy was unable to be there due to his obligation to the Marines. I know how hard it was for both mom and dad to be apart during such a special time. It's just one of the many sacrifices made.

I pray that I never have to feel that fear or experience that sadness. However, should any of my children make the choice to join the military I hope that I can be as brave as they are choosing to be. I hope I a be as brave as those who have been before me.


* I borrowed this photo from one of my close friends. It's her and her husband saying goodbye on the day he left for Iraq. If this isn't the definition of bravery I don't know what is.

I am linking up with Lisa-Jo Baker for Five Minute Friday.