Tuesday, April 30, 2013
I'm Worn
This song has been my anthem for a the last few months. It makes me cry every time I hear it because the word just touch my heart. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do.
Sunday, April 28, 2013
Our First Sunday Update.
I have this idea popping around this random brain of mine. I figured I would run it by y'all and see what you think. I am thinking of doing a weekly post every Sunday. A Sunday Update. Just a run down of how our week went. What do ya think? Sound interesting?
Good cause here we go...
Colten has been staying after school for tutoring for the last couple of weeks. His grades have been low due to him not turning stuff in or waiting until the last to do something and getting low grades. I know he can do better then D's and he has proven me right. He has brought up all of his grade except one! I am so very proud of him!!
As you know baseball season has kicked off. The Bombers have not gotten off to a great start. They have yet to win a game but they are getting better with each game. I have to give them credit though, because most of the teams they are playing against are club teams (meaning they are GOOD). They had a game on Friday and they did amazing! Colten got 3 really good hits, had 3 RBI's and rocked center field! Unfortunately, they missed the big W by ONE point! They are really coming together as a team and working very hard and I know that they are gonna kick some butt next week!
Katie has been working hard all semester on her cheer routine. This weekend she had her regional competition and she was SO nervous! After tons of attitude, 2.5 hours of curling hair and doing make up and last minute jitters we finally made it to PHX. They did amazing! Katie went out there confident and ready and she did excellent! They worked very hard and placed 3rd. Katie was a little bummed out that she wouldn't be going back to compete in the state competition but we explained that it's not about winning or losing but giving it your all and being happy with it at the end. It's a lesson she will have to learn but I am confident that she will get it and use it to thrive.
Caden is doing well. He is growing like a weed and there doesn't seem to be a slow down in the near future. He has been a defiant little booger lately and I think that is because he is feeling a little left out. Between Colten and baseball and Katie and cheer and all the craziness that typically surrounds our family he has been slipping through the cracks and that makes me sad. So this week it's my goal to make Mr Caden feel extra special, as he should. Plans are still in the works but I do see a mommy, daddy, and Cade date night in our very near future. On a positive note he can be an amazing helper when he wants to be. He does a great job of keeping Waylon entertained while mommy does homework. I love hearing the giggles they share when they are getting along.
Waylon is growing like a weed as well. I swear he is WAY to smart for his own good. He is starting to talk more and more. He knows a few things in sign language like bite, please, thank you, your welcome, and his newest one that he learned this week is I love you. It's so cute when he does it. It's really funny when he is signing because I will tell him "Say thank you mommy" and he will sign thank you and say mommy. I need to learn more signs to teach him but I am sure by the time I do that he will be saying them. His current goal seems to be figuring out how to climb out of his crib. With the help of big brother Caden I am sure he will have it down in no time! Yay! (haha not!)
Randy has been doing well. This week started out slow and not so good, like much of his weeks have been in the last few months, but turned around by the end of it. I am not at liberty to discuss details just yet but I can say that things are looking up for my husband. For all of us really! He works so hard to provide for us and does an amazing job at doing so and I will just be happy when all that hard work pays off for him. :-)
As for me, well this week was not as bad as last week. I did very well on a lab exam that I took on Wednesday, getting my first 10/10! WOO HOO for me and God knows I needed it! I have been under a TON of stress lately and just down in the dumps but things are looking up! I just can't wait until school is over and I can breathe again. I also can't wait to see what the future hold for us.... it's gonna be exciting, I know it!
We have another busy week ahead of us but as always we will take it head on and have as much fun with it as we can. I ask you to pray for our family for strength and guidance. I hope y'all have a blessed week!
Good cause here we go...
Colten has been staying after school for tutoring for the last couple of weeks. His grades have been low due to him not turning stuff in or waiting until the last to do something and getting low grades. I know he can do better then D's and he has proven me right. He has brought up all of his grade except one! I am so very proud of him!!
As you know baseball season has kicked off. The Bombers have not gotten off to a great start. They have yet to win a game but they are getting better with each game. I have to give them credit though, because most of the teams they are playing against are club teams (meaning they are GOOD). They had a game on Friday and they did amazing! Colten got 3 really good hits, had 3 RBI's and rocked center field! Unfortunately, they missed the big W by ONE point! They are really coming together as a team and working very hard and I know that they are gonna kick some butt next week!
Katie has been working hard all semester on her cheer routine. This weekend she had her regional competition and she was SO nervous! After tons of attitude, 2.5 hours of curling hair and doing make up and last minute jitters we finally made it to PHX. They did amazing! Katie went out there confident and ready and she did excellent! They worked very hard and placed 3rd. Katie was a little bummed out that she wouldn't be going back to compete in the state competition but we explained that it's not about winning or losing but giving it your all and being happy with it at the end. It's a lesson she will have to learn but I am confident that she will get it and use it to thrive.
Caden is doing well. He is growing like a weed and there doesn't seem to be a slow down in the near future. He has been a defiant little booger lately and I think that is because he is feeling a little left out. Between Colten and baseball and Katie and cheer and all the craziness that typically surrounds our family he has been slipping through the cracks and that makes me sad. So this week it's my goal to make Mr Caden feel extra special, as he should. Plans are still in the works but I do see a mommy, daddy, and Cade date night in our very near future. On a positive note he can be an amazing helper when he wants to be. He does a great job of keeping Waylon entertained while mommy does homework. I love hearing the giggles they share when they are getting along.
Waylon is growing like a weed as well. I swear he is WAY to smart for his own good. He is starting to talk more and more. He knows a few things in sign language like bite, please, thank you, your welcome, and his newest one that he learned this week is I love you. It's so cute when he does it. It's really funny when he is signing because I will tell him "Say thank you mommy" and he will sign thank you and say mommy. I need to learn more signs to teach him but I am sure by the time I do that he will be saying them. His current goal seems to be figuring out how to climb out of his crib. With the help of big brother Caden I am sure he will have it down in no time! Yay! (haha not!)
Randy has been doing well. This week started out slow and not so good, like much of his weeks have been in the last few months, but turned around by the end of it. I am not at liberty to discuss details just yet but I can say that things are looking up for my husband. For all of us really! He works so hard to provide for us and does an amazing job at doing so and I will just be happy when all that hard work pays off for him. :-)
As for me, well this week was not as bad as last week. I did very well on a lab exam that I took on Wednesday, getting my first 10/10! WOO HOO for me and God knows I needed it! I have been under a TON of stress lately and just down in the dumps but things are looking up! I just can't wait until school is over and I can breathe again. I also can't wait to see what the future hold for us.... it's gonna be exciting, I know it!
We have another busy week ahead of us but as always we will take it head on and have as much fun with it as we can. I ask you to pray for our family for strength and guidance. I hope y'all have a blessed week!
Our Journey
Sunday Update
Friday, April 26, 2013
Five Minute Friday: Friend
What is a friend?
To me it is someone that is there for me. Who loves and supports me no matter what.
Someone I can laugh with.
Someone that will lend me a shoulder to cry on when I fail hold it all together.
Someone that can take one look at my face or hear my voice and will know immediately what mood I am in.
Someone who hold me accountable for my goals and strives to help me focus on them.
Someone that won't judge me....ever.
Someone that is truthful with me....always!
Someone that prays for me... Unselfishly.
Someone that I can count on.
Someone that loves my children and family as they do their own. (Yes this includes my husband lol)
Someone that will help me find my way when I have lost it.
Someone that loves me for me and doesn't want to change that.
Most importantly, a friend is someone that allows me to do all these things for them as well!
Friends come and go but our TRUE friends never really go very far.
I am so very thankful for my friends. I only have a couple of very close friends and with out them I would be a mess. I honestly don't want to think about how empty my life would be with our these special few.
This is my very first time linking up with Lisa-Jo Baker for Five Minute Friday and I am very excited to be apart of this.
What is a friend?
To me it is someone that is there for me. Who loves and supports me no matter what.
Someone I can laugh with.
Someone that will lend me a shoulder to cry on when I fail hold it all together.
Someone that can take one look at my face or hear my voice and will know immediately what mood I am in.
Someone who hold me accountable for my goals and strives to help me focus on them.
Someone that won't judge me....ever.
Someone that is truthful with me....always!
Someone that prays for me... Unselfishly.
Someone that I can count on.
Someone that loves my children and family as they do their own. (Yes this includes my husband lol)
Someone that will help me find my way when I have lost it.
Someone that loves me for me and doesn't want to change that.
Most importantly, a friend is someone that allows me to do all these things for them as well!
Friends come and go but our TRUE friends never really go very far.
I am so very thankful for my friends. I only have a couple of very close friends and with out them I would be a mess. I honestly don't want to think about how empty my life would be with our these special few.
This is my very first time linking up with Lisa-Jo Baker for Five Minute Friday and I am very excited to be apart of this.
Monday, April 22, 2013
Reality Check
I have so much on my mind right now and I just don't know what to do with it all?
Lately I have been so stressed and worried about everything. School, work, kids, choices and decisions for our future, the kids, dwelling on the past coulda shoulda wouldas, and just everything. When I say stressed I am not even slightly exaggerating. Like to the point that I think I am making myself sick. It rubs off on my family too. I know the kids feel and react to it as does Randy. I just don't know how to stop it. It seems like the more I try the worse it gets.
Last week was a very bad week. On top of the normal everyday stress I deal with I also had a HUGE exam due on Wednesday in my hardest class. I am not doing very good in that class anyways so I need all the help I can get. I decided to go to school early to meet up with my study group to cram last minute.
I had just arrived and I was sitting there talking my my lab partner. She lost her son a year ago when he got hit by a drunk driver. We were talking about how she handled the first anniversary and how she feels peaceful and not hateful. As we were talking I remember thinking here I am whining about taking this stupid test while she grieves the loss of her son. How selfish of me. We had been studying for about half an hour and my phone rang. This was the beginning of my very harsh reality check!
It was my sister in law, which was a little odd cause she usually just texts me unless its important. I answered the phone with mild concern but that quickly changed to flat out freaking out. She had just witnessed a mutual friend of ours, who happens to be the husband of one of my very close friends, lose control of his motorcycle, crash, and then get ran over by a van.
I am happy to report that, by a pure miracle and the simple fact that he was smart enough to wear his helmet, he walked away with a lot of really bad road rash but no broken bone or internal injuries. Someone was definitely watching over him.
It was definitely a scare and between that, what happened in Boston and then in West Texas this week it left me thinking. A lot. It could have been SO much worse. I could have it SO much worse. Then I started thinking about the what-ifs. From there my mind goes to what if it was Randy and what if he wasn't so lucky. What if it was something to do with the kids? What if it we had been spectators at that event? What if a place we were at just blew up? So many people were hurting, grieving the death of someone they loved, or had just lost everything and here I am complaining about a test and stressing about what my future holds. Really??!!
Then it just clicked! My reality check smacked me right in the face. Cold and hard and full of truth.
Here I am wasting valuable time stressing over things I have NO CONTROL over. Things that mean NOTHING if, God forbid, something were to happen to the most important things in my life. The health and happiness of my husband and my kids.
It could be so much worse. I could not have Randy. My kids could be unhealthy. We could be living on the streets homeless. We could be going to bed hungry every night.
But we are not.
And that's what I need to focus on.
I need to let the other stuff fall away and just be thankful for right now. For today. I need to start looking for the positive in my life and stop dwelling on the negative. I need to forgot about my past mistakes and move forward to a better tomorrow. So today isn't perfect and maybe some of the yesterdays weren't either. Maybe bad decisions and poor judgement has led me to the path that I stand upon today but it doesn't have to define me. I can use it and make something positive out of it. With that positive I can create hope and instill that into my family. I can control that! I can change how I look at things!
Someone once told me that you have to use all the bad things (actions, decisions, situations) as stepping stones. Use them to learn and grow from and work on making better decisions as you go. I believe this wholeheartedly... Now more then ever.
So I am going to work on it! I know it won't happen over night because let's face it I am human and bad habits are hard to break but I am determined to look at my situations, my life, and my future as not just negative. I am going to try very hard to find something positive in everything that I can. To be thankful more and complain less.
Lately I have been so stressed and worried about everything. School, work, kids, choices and decisions for our future, the kids, dwelling on the past coulda shoulda wouldas, and just everything. When I say stressed I am not even slightly exaggerating. Like to the point that I think I am making myself sick. It rubs off on my family too. I know the kids feel and react to it as does Randy. I just don't know how to stop it. It seems like the more I try the worse it gets.
Last week was a very bad week. On top of the normal everyday stress I deal with I also had a HUGE exam due on Wednesday in my hardest class. I am not doing very good in that class anyways so I need all the help I can get. I decided to go to school early to meet up with my study group to cram last minute.
I had just arrived and I was sitting there talking my my lab partner. She lost her son a year ago when he got hit by a drunk driver. We were talking about how she handled the first anniversary and how she feels peaceful and not hateful. As we were talking I remember thinking here I am whining about taking this stupid test while she grieves the loss of her son. How selfish of me. We had been studying for about half an hour and my phone rang. This was the beginning of my very harsh reality check!
It was my sister in law, which was a little odd cause she usually just texts me unless its important. I answered the phone with mild concern but that quickly changed to flat out freaking out. She had just witnessed a mutual friend of ours, who happens to be the husband of one of my very close friends, lose control of his motorcycle, crash, and then get ran over by a van.
I am happy to report that, by a pure miracle and the simple fact that he was smart enough to wear his helmet, he walked away with a lot of really bad road rash but no broken bone or internal injuries. Someone was definitely watching over him.
It was definitely a scare and between that, what happened in Boston and then in West Texas this week it left me thinking. A lot. It could have been SO much worse. I could have it SO much worse. Then I started thinking about the what-ifs. From there my mind goes to what if it was Randy and what if he wasn't so lucky. What if it was something to do with the kids? What if it we had been spectators at that event? What if a place we were at just blew up? So many people were hurting, grieving the death of someone they loved, or had just lost everything and here I am complaining about a test and stressing about what my future holds. Really??!!
Then it just clicked! My reality check smacked me right in the face. Cold and hard and full of truth.
Here I am wasting valuable time stressing over things I have NO CONTROL over. Things that mean NOTHING if, God forbid, something were to happen to the most important things in my life. The health and happiness of my husband and my kids.
It could be so much worse. I could not have Randy. My kids could be unhealthy. We could be living on the streets homeless. We could be going to bed hungry every night.
But we are not.
And that's what I need to focus on.
I need to let the other stuff fall away and just be thankful for right now. For today. I need to start looking for the positive in my life and stop dwelling on the negative. I need to forgot about my past mistakes and move forward to a better tomorrow. So today isn't perfect and maybe some of the yesterdays weren't either. Maybe bad decisions and poor judgement has led me to the path that I stand upon today but it doesn't have to define me. I can use it and make something positive out of it. With that positive I can create hope and instill that into my family. I can control that! I can change how I look at things!
Someone once told me that you have to use all the bad things (actions, decisions, situations) as stepping stones. Use them to learn and grow from and work on making better decisions as you go. I believe this wholeheartedly... Now more then ever.
So I am going to work on it! I know it won't happen over night because let's face it I am human and bad habits are hard to break but I am determined to look at my situations, my life, and my future as not just negative. I am going to try very hard to find something positive in everything that I can. To be thankful more and complain less.
Lessons learned
Saturday, April 6, 2013
Baseball Blues
Today is opening day for AJLL. We are so excited because we LOVE baseball... Well most of us do anyways.
This year Colten is in Juniors. This is his 4th season playing and he loves it! He truly has a passion for baseball and he is pretty decent. This season is bittersweet for Colten because he misses his team mates from Texas but to say he is very anxious to get started would be an understatement.
This season is Caden's first for tball. Or maybe I should say "was supposed to be" his first. We all know how crazy shy my little Cade is. Before signing him up we repeatedly reminded him that he would be on his own. Before we invested any money and time we asked over and over what he wanted to do. He swore up and down that he understood and that he was ready. He was truly VERY excited about playing.
Until the first practice!!!
Katie had to go out there and do it with him because he was too shy. Second practice he did half on his own and did really well. Third practice he got sick and was out for a week. The first practice back after being sick was ok. He made it through half the practice before he felt icky and was coughing his head off and had to stop. I felt like he should have toughed it out and finished but he refused. Now he says he doesn't want to play because he doesn't want to cough or get sick.But I know that's not why.
Ugh!!! This is where I am conflicted!!!
Do I push him to finish what he started even though he is scared? Or do I let him choose what he wants to do and support his decision?
On one hand I feel like I need to push him. I know he loves to play and that he could be pretty darn good. I know that the biggest factor is that he is shy and doesn't want to be in front of everyone because its uncomfortable. But sooner or later he must step out of his comfort zone and stop letting it hold him back. Do I push that now? Or do I wait, let him conquer Kindergarten and get used to being social and then try again next season?
Here is my fear..
I worry that if I push him into doing this he will have a bad experience and it will ruin any chance of him wanting to play later. I don't want to MAKE him do something he doesn't want to do but on the other hand I don't want him to think that just because something is hard and challenges us that its ok to just give up and quit. UGH!!! Parenting is HARD!!!
I am thankful that his coach is understanding and told Caden that his team would be there to support him no matter what.
So what do I do??? What would you do?! Suggestions? Comments? Concerns?
This year Colten is in Juniors. This is his 4th season playing and he loves it! He truly has a passion for baseball and he is pretty decent. This season is bittersweet for Colten because he misses his team mates from Texas but to say he is very anxious to get started would be an understatement.
This season is Caden's first for tball. Or maybe I should say "was supposed to be" his first. We all know how crazy shy my little Cade is. Before signing him up we repeatedly reminded him that he would be on his own. Before we invested any money and time we asked over and over what he wanted to do. He swore up and down that he understood and that he was ready. He was truly VERY excited about playing.
Until the first practice!!!
Katie had to go out there and do it with him because he was too shy. Second practice he did half on his own and did really well. Third practice he got sick and was out for a week. The first practice back after being sick was ok. He made it through half the practice before he felt icky and was coughing his head off and had to stop. I felt like he should have toughed it out and finished but he refused. Now he says he doesn't want to play because he doesn't want to cough or get sick.But I know that's not why.
Ugh!!! This is where I am conflicted!!!
Do I push him to finish what he started even though he is scared? Or do I let him choose what he wants to do and support his decision?
On one hand I feel like I need to push him. I know he loves to play and that he could be pretty darn good. I know that the biggest factor is that he is shy and doesn't want to be in front of everyone because its uncomfortable. But sooner or later he must step out of his comfort zone and stop letting it hold him back. Do I push that now? Or do I wait, let him conquer Kindergarten and get used to being social and then try again next season?
Here is my fear..
I worry that if I push him into doing this he will have a bad experience and it will ruin any chance of him wanting to play later. I don't want to MAKE him do something he doesn't want to do but on the other hand I don't want him to think that just because something is hard and challenges us that its ok to just give up and quit. UGH!!! Parenting is HARD!!!
I am thankful that his coach is understanding and told Caden that his team would be there to support him no matter what.
So what do I do??? What would you do?! Suggestions? Comments? Concerns?
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To leave on a positive note here is a pic of my (almost) 14 year old. We are very proud of him and his accomplishments. Go BOOMERS!!!!! |
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