Current mood:
OK i just felt like writing so bare with me. Things have been going great for the most part. Pookie and I are doing really well and that makes me very happy.
We just got back from a much needed vacation. We left here on the 4th and got into San Antonio, TX on the 5th. After a much needed rest we headed down to the river walk in down town. OMG it was beautiful. Even the kids loved it. We to a boat ride and saw some really cool things. I really recommend it.
The 6th we had a wedding and then we headed up to Dallas where we stayed with my sister and brother in law. It was cool. On the 8th we headed up to Oklahoma for a few days. It is very pretty there but ummm lets just say they are a little slow there. But i got to see my family and that was great. On the 12th we headed back to Dallas where we stuck around for my brother in law Edwards birthday. Then on that Saturday night we headed back. It was fun and gave us some family time together and that's whats important.
So lately i have been finding a lot of old friends on here. I just want to say that it has been really cool to be able to touch base with some of you. I know times have passed but you should never let true friendships die. That is something I have learned just recently. I have this one best friend that shall remain nameless so i don't embarrass her. (you know who you are) :) Well we just started hanging out again after not really having anything to do with each other for a little over 2 years. Neither of us can say why we stopped hanging out ......just life i guess. But now we have started seeing each other almost everyday i realize that I really missed her. ALOT. And now I don't know what I would do with out her.
So the whole point is don't let things , especially things you care about slip away. You may not be as lucky as I have to get it back.
OK so now that i have babbled on and probably bored you all i am going to stop writing. LOl feeling just a little sentimental lately.... can you tell.!!!
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