Sunday, August 7, 2011

It's been way too long......

Wow! Has it really been almost 3 months since I posted something? Where does the time go? Needless to say we have had a very busy summer. Let me fill you in as much as I can.


The kids got out of school on the  9th of June. Grandpa came in that night from AZ to pick the kids and I up and take us back for a vacation. We spent the weekend with daddy and then headed out on the 13th for AZ. What a long trip but it was well worth it. The kids were SO excited for the time to spend with the grandparents and aunts and uncles and so was I. Honestly I was mostly excited about all the REAL Mexican food I got to eat. While we were there we headed up to Payson for a week or so to get out of the heat. I miss the smell of the pines and the cool weather. I had a Dr appointment to check up on this little one I have baking so I had to fly back on the 25th. It was awesome because the kids got to stay with their grandparents and I got a little vacation.

On the 1st of July Randy took vacation and we drove back (with the help of Jerrod and Aubrey) to the valley of the sun. Boy was it HOT!!! First place we hit was Filibertos. HAHAHA Can you tell how much my husband missed Mexican food?  We had SO much that we wanted to do and SO many people we wanted to see. We made plans to visit everyone and hang out but unfortunately most of those plans fell apart. The Monday after we got there I woke up with a bad sore throat and by Tuesday morning I was running a fever and felt like I had been run over by a truck. Luckily I was able to call my Dr who called in a prescription and I started an antibiotic right away. It hit me hard and ruined all of my plans but what can you do? 4th of July was OK. Monsoon blew in and canceled the fireworks so it was a good thing we had decided to put on our own show before hand. The kids had a blast and memories were made. On the 9th we had a co-ed baby shower for my sister in law. It turned out wonderfully. I am thankful that I was able to be apart of that, especially since I will not be able to be there when the baby is born. That night we packed up and headed home. Despite our original plan to bring all of our kiddo's home with us we ended up leaving the two older ones. After tons of begging and pleading, from many different sources, we agreed to let them stay for another 2 weeks so they could spend time with their friends and everyone. On the 30th of July grandma and grandpa brought them home and decided to stay awhile and visit. They will be leaving on the 10th of this month and we are all pretty sad. We have had a great time with them being here.


We have a busy month ahead of us. The kids go back to school on the 22nd and we have so much to do to get ready. We registered Colten for Fall baseball and Katie will be registering for dance classes this month. They are both pretty excited. We were going to register Caden for Blast Ball but we decided to wait until Spring so he will be a little older. Another exciting thing about August is we get to find out if we are adding a new little boy or a new little girl to our family. Our gender/anatomy scan is on the 16th and we are SO very excited!!! All 5 of us will be there, together as a family, to see just how great this little baby is doing. We will let y'all know how it goes.

Well that just about sums up our summer. We are all doing pretty good. It's good to have us all back under one roof and to get back into a set routine. I will do my best to keep up on this blog so I can keep you all in the loop but be patient with me. It's crazy how fast time flies and before you know it there are just not enough hours in the day. I hope you all are healthy and happy and we are sending many prayers and blessings your way. :)